Thin Crust?

I tell you the Toledo area, I could not be more tired of what thin-crust pizza has evolved into. It started with thin crust that was just pizza with a thinner crust. Then they went to flat-bread pizza (which in my opinion is not pizza). But how are they even allowed to call it pizza when it's tomato sauce and cheese smeared on a cracker? No kidding, some places are selling thin crust pizza that's on a frickin cracker! With holes in it and everything like a saltine! Boom! Profit goes through the roof when you're saving money by serving fake pizza crust, but charging real pizza prices!

Dear pizza places, don't just flat-out rip me off! Give me some kind of value for my money! Make me think you TRIED to create something unique and tasty.
Here's an idea: how about a good quality crust that isn't made by a machine? That might set you apart from the crowd! May cost more, but you'll pass that cost on to us like you do with everything else!



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